This mask is created by Gianni, Silvia and Roberto
Gianni is a creative mind and unstoppable forge of ideas, he founded the laboratory in 1970. Even today the "Master mask maker" creates "his" masks with the same passion and intensity. Silvia, daughter of art, she was able to stubbornly blend the tradition handed down by her parents with the characteristics of modern materials to create masks that bring tradition into the future. Roberto is committed to mixing tradition with technology and innovation in products in the manufacturing phases. A continuous search to give immortality to the masks and the art of masks making
Venetian Mask Colombina de metal Croll
La colombina, la máscara de carnaval más famosa, en una versión íntegramente en metal pintado. Por su ligereza se adapta a cualquier situación, desde un simple paseo, a una cena, pasando por fiestas y fiestas. Garantía » 100% Made in Italy certificate»
Sonia Aranaz Iñiguez (propietario verificado) –
They are the best!!!. Amazing Mask!! And very good price.
Maria Carmen (propietario verificado) –
Buen servicio en general
Hilda Antal-Hager (propietario verificado) –
Topp Lieferung! Schnell, zuverlässig! Tolle Maske, prima Qualität!
Barbara Ács (propietario verificado) –
great and quick service, wonderful products
Epaminondas Kalpakidis (propietario verificado) –
Perfect. Good quality, beautiful.
Cristina de Dona (propietario verificado) –
Great product and excellent customer care
Erika Vignal (propietario verificado) –
Perfect service and beautiful mask
Amy Delcambre (propietario verificado) –
Masks are beautiful and well-made. The shipping to the U.S. was fast. I’m so excited to wear the paper mache one for Mardi Gras!