This mask is created by Gianni, Silvia and Roberto
Gianni is a creative mind and unstoppable forge of ideas, he founded the laboratory in 1970. Even today the "Master mask maker" creates "his" masks with the same passion and intensity. Silvia, daughter of art, she was able to stubbornly blend the tradition handed down by her parents with the characteristics of modern materials to create masks that bring tradition into the future. Roberto is committed to mixing tradition with technology and innovation in products in the manufacturing phases. A continuous search to give immortality to the masks and the art of masks making
Venetian Mask Saamira - Extra Small
Cuoio, lavorato a mano con maestria, viene utilizzato per incorniciare bellissimi volti in ceramica e successivamente decorato. In questo modo due antiche tradizioni si fondono, dando vita a un prodotto diverso dal solito.
Maschera unica, dai colori vivaci, luminosi e metallici, resi ancora più luminosi da decorazioni rigorosamente fatte a mano con brillantina colorata e molti piccoli strass. Certificata “100% Made in Italy”.
I nostri prodotti sono pezzi unici fatti a mano, quindi tutte le immagini sono indicative, nonché le misure e i colori che possono essere soggetti a variazioni.
Nicoletta Da Ros (proprietario verificato) –
Ordering was very simple and straightforward. I received the mask all the way in California, wonderfully packaged and protected, so it arrived intact and undamaged. Great experience :)